هذه فرصتك الأخيرة لتكون جزءًا من أكبر مشروع دعمته الأمة الإسلامية على الإطلاق، وأنا شخصياً أعرف وأثق بالفريق. أيها الإخوة والأخوات، تبرعوا بكل ما تستطيعون
الشيخ نافيد عزيز
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ مَعَالِيَ الْأُمُور وأكبر مركز إسلامي في مدينة نيويورك – أكبر مدينة - هو بالتأكيد أمر عظيم - نحتاج إلى دعمكم
الشيخ يوشع ايفانز
عندما زرت المشروع ، رأيت قدرًا كبيرًا من التفاني والالتزام من إدارته. هذا المشروع يبني منارة للضوء في مدينة نيويورك. الرجاء التبرع بكل ما تستطيع
الشيخ الدكتور حاتم الحاج
من النادر أن ترى المساجد في أمريكا تعمل بنفس المهنية التي تجدها في أكبر مركز إسلامي في مدينة نيويورك. نحن بحاجة إلى جعل مراكزنا مؤهلة مثل المعاهد الأخرى في حياتنا لأطفالنا القادمين
الشيخ محمد الشناوي
لقد زرت العديد من المراكز الإسلامية في أمريكا ، لكنني لم أجد أي مكان احترافي ومكرس للمعرفة الإسلامية الأصيلة مثل أكبر مركز إسلامي في مدينة نيويورك. إن شاء الله ، سيكون دعمك صدقة جارية ، فتبرع بما تستطيع
الاستاذ محمد باجور
مدينة نيويورك بحاجة ماسة إلى مراكز إسلامية مناسبة لمساعدة شبابنا. أنا أعرف وأثق بالفريق في أكبر مركز إسلامي في مدينة نيويورك ، لذا يرجى التبرع لدعم المشروع بكل ما تستطيع ، جزاكم الله خيرًا
The NYC Muslim Center is embarking on a historic journey to build the Largest Islamic center in New York City. Spanning 60,000 square feet, this state-of-the-art facility will be a beacon of hope and inspiration accessible to over 1 Million Muslims.
With construction already underway and nearing completion, we have created a special donor wall at the entrance lobby of the Masjid. Donating to the donor wall is an exclusive opportunity to leave your mark on this historic project and become a permanent part of its legacy.
Why Should You Add Your Name to the NYCMC Donor Wall?
Your Name Engraved in History
Your donation will allow your name to forever be part of history and put on the Donor Legacy Wall at NYC Muslim Center - the Largest Islamic Center in NYC.
Help Finish Historic NYC Project
Your donation will fund the final phase of construction for the Largest Islamic Center in NYC helping us to finish the historic 60,000 Sq Ft project.
Thousands Will Make Dua for You
Thousands of Believers will see and walk by the NYCMC Donor Wall. They will make Dua for you and your Family for helping to build a facility so desperately needed.
A House in Paradise
The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said "Whoever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will build him/her a house in Paradise." Your donation will bring Paradise closer by being part of this project!
Where is NYC Muslim Center located and where is the new construction being built?
NYC Muslim Center is located at 9020 191st Street, Hollis, NY, 11423. The 60,000 Sq Ft NYC Muslim Center is being built at the same location.
What construction has been completed so far?
Alhamdulillah with the help of Allah, your generous support has allowed us to complete excavation, foundations, concrete footings, installation of 229 tons of steel, steel decking, concrete, interior bricks and framing, exterior bricks, windows, doors and more. Your donation will help keep construction going to finish the 60,000 Sq Ft project!
Will my name be added to the NYCMC Donor Wall?
Yes! Everyone who donates to help finish the Largest Islamic Center in NYC will have their name added to the Donor Legacy Wall.
Can I donate on behalf of someone else or a family member who has passed?
Yes - Your donation is a Sadaqah Jariyah (Continuous Charity) that will benefit your loved ones, even if they've passed away (May Allah have mercy on them, ameen.)
Are donations Zakat eligible?
We are currently not accepting Zakat-ul-mal for this project.
What is NYC Muslim Center's private data policy?
NYC Muslim Center does not share, sell or exchange our donors private information with anyone.
How many people have donated to this project?
Alhamdulillah over 25,000 people have donated to the project from all over the world.
We ask Allah to accept their good deeds and to grant them the highest levels of paradise, ameen!
Is my donation tax-deductible?
All donations are tax-deductible. NYC Muslim Center is a registered 501(c)3 with the IRS, Tax-id 27-3308812.
I've already donated, why should I donate again?
Donate again to get a greater share of Paradise, more rewards from Allah and more mercy from Allah.
Many Scholars, Shaykhs, Imams, & Community Leaders have supported the NYC Muslim Center project.
Join them and make history by donating to complete construction!
"NYCMC is building a 60,000 sq ft Islamic Center in New York City - Now that's a legacy! If your family or you on behalf of your family support this effort, you're going to be surprised at what it mounts up to! Do it for Allah!"
Shaykh Yusuf Estes
GuideUS TV
"I've been there, I've seen it. An amazing community doing some incredible education, dawah and spreading the message of peace and purpose. Now you have the chance to be a part of this. Do your part and get the tremendous reward!"
Brother Eddie Redzovic
The Deen Show
"Many non-Muslims are entering into Islam in New York City and are in need of a professional center that can accomdate their needs. Whatever you can give, big or small, do it from the heart and donate today!"
Shaykh Yusha Evans
One Ummah TV
"When I visited NYCMC, I saw great dedication and high aspiration. When you add to this the commitment of its caretakers to the sacred sources of Islam and respect of the legacy of the great imams, then you will have a beacon of light in the city of New York that deserves your support and du'a'."
Shaykh Hatem alHaj
AMJA, Mishkah University
"I've been there, I've seen it. An amazing community doing some incredible education, dawah and spreading the message of peace and purpose. Now you have the chance to be a part of this. Do your part and get the tremendous reward!"
Brother Eddie Redzovic
The Deen Show
"Many non-Muslims are entering into Islam in New York City and are in need of a professional center that can accomdate their needs. Whatever you can give, big or small, do it from the heart and donate today!"
Shaykh Yusha Evans
One Ummah TV
"It is rare to see religious institutions, educational institutions and Masajid run with the degree of professionalism and sophistication that you find at NYC Muslim Center.
Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy
Yaqeen Institute
"I've been there, I've seen it. An amazing community doing some incredible education, dawah and spreading the message of peace and purpose. Now you have the chance to be a part of this. Do your part and get the tremendous reward!"
Brother Eddie Redzovic
The Deen Show
"Many non-Muslims are entering into Islam in New York City and are in need of a professional center that can accomdate their needs. Whatever you can give, big or small, do it from the heart and donate today!"